Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My boss can be a real pain

Plans for the downtown area have not surfaced recently. But what is interesting is the division in which downtown is perceived by its stakeholders.

When speaking to local business owners, I was given a variety of answers to the question, “Is downtown Greeley a good place for business?” As I’ve heard many times before, many owners reply similar to, “Yes, the cheap rent helps.” Others claim they couldn’t have picked a better location. A list of businesses in the area can be found at the Greeley City Chamber of Commerce website.

Not long after speaking with Downtown Development Authority director Pam Bricker, I spoke with a local owner who said he didn’t think the efforts made thus far will ultimately help businesses in the area. However, The Greeley Tribune published an article in February about post-Christmas-shopping sales revenue of $10 million — $1 million of which “could be used for city maintenance projects,” according to the article.

The most frustrating thing is trying to write a story with a specific angle about what happens downtown and end up either empty-handed or conflicting viewpoints that contradict the angle. It isn’t that I’m not salivating at the prospect of a controversial scoop, but it is extremely difficult to mold a story to its syllabus when business owners and downtown authority don’t see eye-to-eye.